Lionel Hutz Esq.

"God Damn Mongolians!"

It could be three things.

It must be true, as I heard the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, Linda McMahon, say just that!

I've been thinking more "Truck Stop Hooker."

Don't worry, ICE will be raiding Sesame Street shortly, setting it up for redevelopment.

Good luck finding someone close to My So-Called President who can tell the truth. Might as well just let whoever on and simply play "Yakety Sax" whenever they speak.


Well said. Poor Tim.

Dagless: The cabin crew suggested we all go out and club it. I had no option. It was that or one of their B&Bs. I figured it'd be safer on the streets. For the first time ever I saw the Scotch in their natural habitat, and it weren't pretty. I'd seen them huddling in stations before, being loud but… this time I was

Don't forget Edgar Bergen. Nothing like ventriloquism on the radio.

I have to disagree. Howard Dean's "50-State Strategy" worked well to turn back the GOP in the late 2000s, and set up Obama. The problem with the Democrats are two-fold. First, the Democrats have not concentrated enough on local government, allowing the GOP to set up redistricting to favor them greatly. The

Two points: The outrage against "45" might burn out, except that My So-Called President keeps feeding it and feeding it.

You are a little behind the times. First Flynn resigned to take pressure off the President. Then he was fired because the President couldn't trust him. This afternoon, My So-Called President announced that he was let go because the press had been terribly unfair to him. By tomorrow, Flynn will have left because

Voting for what is good for their bank account, or what is good for white men?

You have to be a god to raise Thor's stick though.

Please send me several films that I can review to see if I agree with your proposition.

There is nothing worse than having to get out the manual and the clipboard and check list and making sure you are going through the proper start up procedure.

Hipsters won't touch a phone anymore unless it's bigger than a brick and has that warm, analog sound.

I just like how Milo has forced the right into "You can't have a good education at college unless you have more Nazi/racist voices on campus."