Lionel Hutz Esq.

I'm late to this conversation, but what really makes a good 80's action flick is the lead villain. Boddicker and Jones in Robocop are probably the best pair, but Gruber is amazing, and let's not forget Mr. Jonathan in Lethal Weapon (the series never was able to top Busey, and suffered for it). See, also, Tommy Lee

I'm conflicted. I liked the first two seasons, and have enjoyed the humor. I agree with Digregorio that it should never take itself too seriously. That being said, I think Kelly as Ash's daughter, ever with the nasty in the pasty aspect to it, would have been a bad direction to take. And I wouldn't mind a little

I was thinking it was more in line with the deal with Baal. They got Pablo back and got back to their present.

I appreciate that you have to travel, Teti, but nothing on Cam Newton and tie-gate?

The musical numbers in The Phantom Menace are greatly under appreciated.

I placed a jar of golden pee
And round it was, in the film
It made the slovenly Eisenberg
Surround that film

Over all, a lot of fun, which is all I can ask from these. I think that they did Hairspray as well as we can ask for. And while I don't mind the way they have opened up the performances, it would be nice to see something done more in the manner of an actual Broadway performance, with a live and engaged audience.

Bye Bye Birdie? After The Wiz and Hairspray, doesn't that seem like a bit of a step backwards?

When they got this cast together, they should have fired the writers and directors, brought in Mike Judge, and let him do whatever he wanted. At least everyone would not have been wasted.

But only if they are being legitimately raped.

We need to put a wall up to keep the cold to the north!!!

We've walked on the moon. We've hit a golf ball on the moon. I mean, what else is there to do with it?

Compared to the daily ones we will be having under Trump, it wouldn't be that bad.

I love that that Twilight Zone would do short comic bits, and that one was my absolute favorite. He and Sherman Hemsley were so well paired, and the constantly changing T-shirt gag was wonderful.

Really, this was just a couple of spanking nuns from being the best American Horror Stories episode ever.

Louise: It's just… you don't do the traditional big brother stuff. You don't call me "squirt." You're aren't good at baseball. And I have to give you a piggy-back ride when your legs get tired.

Linda: And don't use the stove, or knives or the bath tub or matches.

Have we had so many solo numbers from Tina before? Both her fantasy number in detention and get parts in the play were excellent. A and I love the rock opera vibe Gene gave to her final solo before she got to make out with Jimmy Jr.

It's silly to complain. I cast him to replace my son in his bar mitzvah, and he was fantastic. Well worth the $100 and a two trips through the buffet line.

"No more egg talk!"