Lionel Hutz Esq.

As long as the final episode ends with Gendry floating by in his row boat, all will be fine.

This episode played out pretty much as expexted. There was some thought that they might have been ballsy enough to have Ramsey kill Jon, rape and kill Sansa on top of Jon's body, and then turn to the camera and flip everyone off. Episode 10 would just be Ramsey flipping off the screen and cackling.

Don't forget planning weddings that never happened to your illegitimate baby daddies.

So agree that Wicked would be great if animated. The A. V. Club had an article a while back where an animator showed off some good character designs. Plus it is probably the only way you can get Menzel and Chenowith to play the leads without seeming foolish.

If you haven't seen it, track down a copy of Strange Passages, directed by Spike Lee, to see a good job of capturing live theater on film. It showed on Great Performances.

Just to confirm, I watched the second showing (I'm on the west coast, but get the east coast feed on satellite), no stinger, just credits on the bottom. So foolish for Comedy Central to do this.

I'm not abandoning the show. I've enjoyed it so far. However, its starting to feel like there is some wheel spinning (something that never happened with The Expanse).

Agreed. If you look at most of [AS]'s shows, they come from the same core of writers, especially ones that started out with Space Ghost. Doesn't mean that [AS] shouldn't look at expanding their creative pool, but it shouldn't be condemned for going with what has worked for it for the last two decades.

All of this is interesting, but when are they bringing back Metalocolypse and China, Illinois?

WSU grads and Unemployed stoned dudes are the same thing, you two know.

I've had that reaction, but usually only with people who aren't stoned. It was a woman who got me to watch The Venture Brothers and Harvey Birdman and, most importantly, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, while passing a bowl.

"Tonight, the greatest writer in the English language and William Shakespeare on Great Minds!"

the scent of dog urine . . . overpowering

Exactly, I think we finally see Arya taking full control of her life. She has been learning and reactive until this moment. But now she used everything she learned to lure the Waif into the place where Needle was hidden and where she could fight blind, therefore giving her the upper hand. And she has learned how to

The show so far has had some interesting ideas, good acting, and lots of set up, but it needs to start paying off all of this, and filling in the back stories it has been hinting at. I have no problem with the show taking some time to lay everything out, but at some point you have to move beyond foreplay and get to

I like Emily a lot too. And it was a good scene. Zack is right though, they need to start moving everything forward and paying off all the set up. Let's hope they get too it soon.

But Trump is friends with Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. So he must know all the Corinthians.

Katie lies
You can see it
In her eyes

I just heard the Lonely Island crew in Fresh Air today. It sounded like Terry really liked it. And if you've won over Terry Gross, you've surely won over the youth of today.

Fifty Hellen's agree!