Lionel Hutz Esq.

I keep hoping they will give Bosco a young junior detective played by Paget Brewster.

I know what you're thinking. Did he take six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a iPhone 7, the most powerful phone in the world, and would take a thousand shots and post them to my instagram account without me even thinking a out

Ewan McGregor

Well, Ewan had to do something after that movie about him eating shit all the time failed. I was hoping he would get the remake of Ball Fondlers though.

So, we can at least assume that the pigs are not supposed to be Muslim.

Hey, he also played the doctor who put a potato in Kenny in the movie.

I'm sure there is a scene when the young birds raise a fuss until the parent birds enter their App Store pass word so they can buy power ups.

So you are saying if you reach in you will find a large cock in the popcorn?

I heard that Speilberg is attached to direct, and they have Ryan Gosling signed to play the GPS.

I. Always thought it was the pig that should be angry. It's their houses the birds keep blowing up.

I miss the early seasons where they were really starving them and they were lucky to have more than a little rice. It added to the over all struggle, and made for more irrational actions. But ever since what's his name took the header into the fire, food was never as big a portion of the game.

It's Fish. Not really that difficult.

But isn't it necessary for the story for Jerhico to disapear, as Tina looks at this as part of her maturing process. She believes that Jericho will dissolve I to her childhood.

I'm pretty sure it is Mr. Fischoeder's imaginary horse glue factory. Louise just manages it for him.

Still, it's not like Louise was willing to dip into all the cash she's been stealing from Tina's and Gene's allowance over the years.

Jericho is the role Paul Rudd was born to play.

Up With Miniskirts!

American Dad is new on Mondays, and I don't mind the reruns.

Well, Melisandre has her vision of him triumphant at Castle Black. I have to assume at some point she will get back on a hot streak.

If I have to guess, Ramsay is going to march up to Castle Black, and demand Sansa back, or he will do something terrible to Rickon (who will be pre-hung on a cross, ready for flaying, at the head of Ramsay's army). This is what will draw Jon back to Castle Black, and then send him on to retake Winterfell and only