Lionel Hutz Esq.

I need to check. Do they go alphabetical?

Someone has to play Aquaman.

Jungle 2: Electric Boogaloo?

I never got to meet Darth Vader. The best I got was when my mom took me to meet the double jocimer player from the cantina band in '78. He was drunk, charged $20 for an autograph, and was constantly hitting in my mom. But when he laid into that double jocimer, it was worth it.

Untucked is available on YouTube. As are a whole bunch of episode related stuff from WOW.

Several questions:

Loose seal?!?

I think he went on to work in a public house in Weseros.

Not just pirates, zombie pirates.

Yes, we get a new Bob's Burgers next week, and in the proper 8:30 slot. From FOX's web site:

Really, how many shows, outside of Archer and Bob's Burgers can just let their characters be themselves, in a low stakes story, and end up being so funny and fulfilling? How many would trust their writers and actors so completely?

Hey, Reagan had to do something to distract people from getting a ton of Marines killed in Lebanon.

Good practical effects still beat anything done by computer if done by good people. See: Fury Road.

Further proof that aliens speak only English.

My greatest legal victory.


The rest of us are fine with your mother.

Have they ever sat him down for a "Random Roles?"

Mad's version of this was great, with Decker enthusiastically volunteering to "merge" with V'ger.