Lionel Hutz Esq.

Can/t we at least agree that Earth should stop sending out space probes, as they are all destined to come back and try to kill us all?

Agreed. When you say Star Wars, you mean the first movie. No need for a subtitle or Episode anything. Star Wars is Star Wars Everything else needs to be distinguished from it.

I think the reset of Gane if Thrones to LA is going to be a bit trickier.

Hal David wrote most of his lyrics.

Danger Zone!




The parts of Archer: Vice were greater than the whole. Having just watched the closing three parter, it had some really good moments, but I think I wanted more Miami Vice, 80s neon, and we really got only one episode that touched on that. Still, I really appreciate a show that is willing to blow itself up to stay

For what it's worth, Warburton is still an EP of the new Tick. Maybe he can show up as The Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight?

Plus they run the Empire and then The First Order.

Someone other than Ben Afleck

I think with all of these they film the last two together.

I used to do that, but the police confiscated my stash.

This country needs a good, insane, John Goodman movie every few years.

Clearly the internet did not take into consideration the cloud of midaclorians that surround and contain the lightsaber.

South Park, "Red Sleigh Down":

Thank you Rob. If I had to stay up until 2:00 am to comment on a meaningless show, I'm glad it was yours.

And, I believe, IFC is rerunning it now.

It can't be The Ballers Rob Corddry. I have it on good authority he is busy touring, fronting for Motley Crüe.