Lionel Hutz Esq.

but if he was on camera conscious, he definitely smoked before and after that.

He said a woman's face.

I would be happy with a chance at Cronenberged Jessica.

"You can't put a price on good pussy."

And their dicks are tiny.

[Inner eyelids click]

Correct. She has been healed, not turned, like Palmer and the Professor.

If I remember right, Eph's picture has been on TV for the death of all the people in DC, and his picture would be circulated in New York. Even if the cop didn't have some connection directly to Stoneheart, he would probably react at an attempted assassination when the guy who killed the head of the CDC walks by.

People aren't wearing enough hats.

There was a long commercial break between interviews, broken up by a preview for Cordon's show and a bit on getting tickets for Colbert. It ran national, local, national, so basically equal to three add breaks. I would guess this will not be normal.

Colbert had to make certain … regrettable compromises.

Just wait until you see Colbert in the dress!

Why is it when ever Jon Stewart gets away from television, he turns into a rabbi.

Not bad. You are not going to see Fallon do a bit like the amulent, and the Trump bit was a wonderful piece of having your cake (Trump jokes) while eating it too (making fun of the media covering Trump to the exclusion of others).

People aren't wearing enough hats.

Please, CBS, let Stephen bring back "This Week in God."

Hasn't this nation suffered enough?

They came for the cheap, legal weed, they stayed for the , uh , what was I saying?

If you watch it backwards, he does.