Lionel Hutz Esq.

Hell, I got an ER notification for this.

The last time we saw River she was a hologram from after her death. I would think Hologram River can show up whenever.

The greatest trick the Devil ever played was making Dr. Who fans both hate the show and yet be compelled to watch and dissect every moment of it.

Ok, but when does Craig Ferguson show up with his robot companion?

Exactly. Plus it also assumes a carrier battle group would leave itself vulnerable and not retain a few planes to fly defensive patrols near the ship which could be recalled quickly or sent after the Pakastani jets. Heck, you usually would launch in waves, so you can adjust for conditions.

The Brink was never incredible, but it was always solid and funny. Sure, like most sitcoms I watch, I wish it spent most of its 30 minutes developing characters instead of being funny, but you can't have everything.

I didn't let it take me out if the show, but there were several problems with the air engagement. The tactics were all wrong (guns would be the last weapon you would go to). Plus, where the fuck was the Israeli Airforce? I'm pretty sure they could find and down both jets without a problem over a thousand miles away

The thing is, in that scene where they smashed the two planes together, the writers showed that the show could have been Ballfondlers if the writers had simply put the effort into writing Ballfondlers, as I expected then to from the beginning.

From what we know about the walkers in The Walking Dead, this epidemic can’t happen too slowly, or surely it would have been contained, right?

I was totally not ready for it to be revealed in the last show that the whole series was just a fantasy in Meatwad's mind, acted out by trash he had found.

And ended after three Americans kicked ass in France and showed those cheese eating surrender monkeys a thing or two.

And remember what Rick said to Ice-T, "Take it from me, Ice, you can't just float around space not caring for ever."

I've tried watching the A. V. Club's sexcam, and while they have established Zack as a character, when it comes to him having sex, eh. His last half hour is the first real let down of the sexcam—there are enough good ideas to keep it afloat, but there are stretches where he turns to absurdity in exchange for having

Where you at my Glip-Glops!

I'm not sure gooey is the right word, but it is definitely Truffaunt's Valentine to movies and movie making.

I loved Babette's Feast and was surprised it wasn't held in higher regard here.

Agreed. It's not defunct, per se, but usually done in different ways. When done skillfully, it was a good (and necessary) technique. When done poorly, it is the foundation of a hundred MST3K jokes.

What the fuck is [expletive]?

I stand corrected.

I agree it is not Sesame Street, and I hope the writers take advantage of having several good actresses that can do more, but the show probably has the highest number of South Central Asian actors in a US production, one of which is a lead (and EP and a writer. Compare The Brink with Vikram's gold standard Doctor