Lionel Hutz Esq.

I thought it was Rocky IV.

They are very high in fiber.

Does that mean the next season will be set in the Pacific Northwest and the White Walkers will be in high school and sparkle?

On the way to St. Ives
I met a man with seven wives
The seven wives had seven cats
The seven cats had seven kittens
Kittens, cats, man and wives
How many were going to St. Ives?

Does your old one have a kink?

911 is a joke.

Just finished Letterman on the West Coast. Goodbye Dave. Thanks for allowing late night TV to be cool.

"Hey, who's that guy lurking over in the bushes? Is that Merv Griffin?"

**Is it too soon to make a joke about Tracey Morgan?

The important thing is that you do it properly.

Didn't Clease say part of the problem with the Dead Parrot sketch was that the audience was mouthing the lines along with them?

I should go back and check the credits (has SNL ever done a credit joke?), but yeah, how hard would it have been to throw in a quick bit giving the results?

There was violence …
and threats of poison gas.
But there was dancing.

Wuthering Heights?

Tonight is our annual flu season dance. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but if you the flu, stay home. The flu season dance is about awareness, not celebration. You don't bring dead babies to Passover.

You need money too?

Well, at least we know why Harry Shearer is no longer on The Simpsons any more.

That just raises further questions!

Well, yes, when it was released on home video.

In the final show, Larry "Bud" Melman will be revealed to have been Jay Leno all along.