I have Sine Mora on vita and I don't need to play it on iOS to know that's straight up ridiculous. The aren't really many mobile games that wouldn't be better on Vita I imagine.
I have Sine Mora on vita and I don't need to play it on iOS to know that's straight up ridiculous. The aren't really many mobile games that wouldn't be better on Vita I imagine.
But I am not a patient man, so I spent $10 on coins (on top of two revives I've spent $12 on the game so far).
I've been trying to keep the faith, but it's getting more difficult every week.
Mobile gaming.
Where good and interesting game concepts go to die due to pathetic business practices that have become the norm.
I see what you're saying, but I honestly don't know if there is evidence that the effect of crippling loneliness (...that it's crippling?) is increased by the presence of other sad things in one's life. It seems like rich/human loneliness = poor/human loneliness, and thus as a theme in this movie it should be…
Look yo, like this movie or hate this movie, whatever. But can we please stop acting like having money makes you immune to boredom or loneliness or any other type of problems? It's not true, and it's harmful.
Who wouldn't torrent a Jesus? Just imagine having your own personal one, someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares.
As someone of faith (I know, it's rare. It's a freaking Jesus unicorn) I have to say I'm SO ecstatic to see Driscoll forced out. This guy was an embarrassment and incredibly dangerous to so many people that crossed his path. Good on Acts 29 for removing him.
That's called "Adulthood"
If you aren't choosing your kart based on how awesome/ridiculous it looks, you are playing Mario Kart incorrectly.
Sean Bean strikes me as a guy who really gets into his character. This doesn't surprise me at all.
Louis Lane? Wow, they really are putting a modern spin on this thing!
<_<...I freaking loved that game.
when people talk zelda they always skip over the cdi, I wonder why?
Remember back in 2011, when the PlayStation Network went down for almost a month? Well, after years of haggling in court, Sony has recently agreed to a settlement in the cases brought forward following the hack. One which, if the judge approves their offer, is going to cost Sony $15 million, and give a whole bunch of…
It's in that little known book of the bible, Bigots 4:15 "Thou shall not use the bathroom unless thy junk is approved by your boss."
This is what happened to the Autoblow1.
Actually, this will be the 17th Zelda game, but let's put it in context. For one, since the Game Boy, Nintendo has had at least two different systems going at all times. Outside of the Oracle games (released simultaneously) and Zelda I and II, they have never released a Zelda game in back-to-back years on the same…
You mean 4th entry.
Across four systems.