1. Movies are still shot in 24fps
1. Movies are still shot in 24fps
I wouldn't exactly call the Israelis "far removed" from a conflict where civilians in their cities occasionally see bomb explosions and rocket fire.
You need to do better than that— sorry.
Hey Stephen, great write up! Also wanted to mention that you can get a Wii U and 5 games now for about $300. Nintendo has refurbished wii u deluxe for $200, that comes with Nintendo Land. Then Target has buy 2 get 1 free wii u games. If you do that before July 31 and you WANT mk8, then you get another free game…
Man, this. I was weighing my console options around E3, and was totally blown away by the Nintendo conference. I started looking at my pros and cons, and the Wii U really had a lot going for it that I hadn't considered before. Price, exclusives I care about, free online (some complain it's got issues, but so does…
1. I agree, that's lame.
Not enough brown colors and muscled out macho guys with guns shooting aliens or terrorist.
I hate her owners, I think. Leave the cat alone. Fuck.
And it should be that way. I keep screaming about how awesome Bill is in Last of Us because him being gay has nothing to do with anything. It actually made him a better character. You realized the associations around him, his lover dangling from the ceiling, and you realize his pain, his struggle, and the shit he's…
What BS. I hope this company goes under soon.
We should start a campaign to get this guy a 24 hour armed bodyguard. How horrible it must have been when those men broke into his house and forced him to buy all these silly games at gunpoint.
That sure does look good. Shame the game part still sucks.
I'm tired of all of the recent nerdgasm "destruction porn" in games. When SNIPER ELITE V2 introduced the X-ray killcam (that you can't turn off), I lost respect for that series. Now a variation shows up in MORTAL KOMBAT, and while the series has always had a grotesque humor, this level of "destruction porn" is…
Half their reasons for him stepping down are horribly thought out too. "Oh noes, Nintendo lost money this year. That guy who filled their bank account so much that the loss was a drop in the bucket totally needs to step down. Because internet economists."
I honestly don't get how anyone can count Nintendo out without feeling silly.
This is the Nintendo that I like; the Nintendo that is knocked down a few pegs, isn't overly confident, and understands that they need to innovate of face the consequences. When they are doing well, the company becomes complacent and just churns out what is expected. When they are a cornered rat, that's when the magic…
I get why people don't want a Wii U just as I get why some people don't want a ps4 or an xbox-1. I don't get why there are so many people who intensely want Nintendo to fail. It's like Nintendo seduced their girlfriends or something.