Lawrence Bonk

Yeah. Nvidia did their PC portable too. This looks cool! But the controllers don’t look quite as “solid” and locked in as the Switch. But still good find. I’d love one of these just to play indie Steam games.

I got a original flavor PS4 at launch and it was always been laggy, in addition to a litany of other problems. The system is poorly designed, imho.

One thing that struck me about the new ad is, damn, the Switch is going to be the FIRST tablet device that allows you to play AAA multi player online games. iPads are cool but Words With Friends is not exactly the same thing.

It’s crazy that, in such a short amount of time, Splatoon has moved to become such a core franchise for Nintendo.

“Capitalism is bad” by a site that relies on clicks and ads to stay in business. Sure. That is exactly how it is gonna go. Please.

It never was a liberal vs conservative thing, but they’ll still make it seem that way. :(

Everything is so shitty I’m willing to try anything at this point. Crystal me up, Goddess.

No more dripfeed ought to be a mantra we shout at Nintendo (and others, to be fair) forever and ever until they finally listen.

Looks interesting but reminds me too much of Freaky Forms.

i *would* put it in my pocket if smartphones weren’t invented. They have to take precedence, you know, just in case somebody texts me to say they care about me.

I really don’t understand why this isn’t a pack-in? This seems like the ultimate pack-in game. Wii Sports was a pack-in right? Nintendo Land was, sort of, a pack-in. (deluxe editions.)

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a cooler segment of the population than seniors that seriously game.

a “relic”?? All he ever did was make phone calls or shmooze at expensive dinners or whatever. Get the fuck outta here...

Give him another shot. Noah has been on the up and up the past few months.

He’ll probably just stand in the middle of the court room yelling “TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!” and then somehow gets off.

I really do not know how this article was published without being about the shameful video and the obvious “mental illness” baiting that Dr. Phil is attempting here. It is making me sick to my stomach. Let’s all gape at the freak! OK I’m done venting now.

That is a really interesting point, and I note that you are speaking of physical art that actually exists. The divide goes even deeper when you get into art that can easily be replicated, shared at no cost/time for the replicator or sharer.

I think you are wrong, on some counts. Economically speaking, art will not thrive under Trump, but it was already struggling. Nobody pays for it. This has already “changed the game.” Only kids with rich parents can pursue their dreams, realistically, while the rest of us look on. But that’s been building for a long,

Awww, your poor feelings couldn’t handle one single post that you didn’t even have to click on? I’m so sorry for your loss. Meanwhile, many of my friends are in REAL fear for their lives.