Lawrence Bonk

There is. Can’t waste the Trump fine china on KFC!

I will say that Pence is at least, seemingly, consuming the KFC? Notice the gravy smoosh on the plate, an obvious indicator that one has eaten mashed potatoes. And there is even another piece of chicken on the plate! Contrast this to Trump’s OG KFC tweet.

Insert Salt N’ Pepa’s “Whatta Man” sung as “Whatta game whatta game whatta game what a mighty good game.”

“It took me about 30 minutes, while others took as long as 45 minutes, depending on how quickly they worked through puzzles.” HUMBLE BRAG JK JK JK

Update, as I’m sure you were waiting with bated breath. I got it! I love it, already on chapter 3. A lot of my hesitations with 3D jrpgs were addressed with really innovative little things like the fast travel system, which is an absolute dream. Lets you play in the “menu driven” style of some Persona games if you

This is essentially a JRPG machine and, you know what, that’s pretty awesome. You can play Final Fantasys 1-10 on it, all Personas, Trails in the Sky AND Steel, Suidoken 1 and 2, the Chronos, what else do you need?

This is essentially a JRPG machine and, you know what, that’s pretty awesome. You can play Final Fantasys 1-10 on

I think it’s more just an anxiety thing. With 2D I can take in an entire village more or less at a glance, figure out exactly who I want to talk to and what my next moves are at the speed of thought. 3D makes you really have to sort of “settle in” more if thats the right phrasing. In any event I got it so yeah!

Those things really matter to me! Olivier and Mueller must make appearances right? Wait, wait, don’t tell me.

I just finished Trails FC and SC back-to-back. Truly great games! Should I get into Cold Steel? That’s an affirmative right? My only issue, why I haven’t snatched it up already, is I tend to like 2D/overview style jrpgs versus 3D. What do you guys think?

This is the reason I clicked on this story. I’m glad you have it covered, RG.

Just how much poop in my soup are we talking here? Is it a featured ingredient or did some just happen to, I dunno, stumble in due to a kitchen/bathroom mishap?

Yeah I really cannot even tell the difference between the two shows. The first one was awful, compared to modern good TV, but the reboot really hits those nostalgia buttons for a certain segment of the population.

I agree to a point but what would you have them do? It’s a smart phone..Mario endless runner? Candy Crush with a Zelda skin? Only so many options.

It’s kind of weirding me out that a number of the stretch goals are sort of, uh, things that would be needed to make a good video game in the first place. Unique boss battles, character transformations etc.

"The top section of the machine can be completely pulled out, and is basically a 3DS, capable of playing the hefty back catalog of Wii, GameCube and N64 games that would crop up on the new eShop." Yeah, at the rate of like one interesting game every three-five months. Sigh.

The Vita rules. The 3DS rules. However, gosh, in 2015 is there anything more depressing than smartphone gaming? I say this as an owner of a new iPhone and iPad I just, I dunno, the games don't evolve really. I took a 2 year break from smartphone gaming, or so, and seriously every game is exactly the same as when I

Been doing this since around 10 pM. Not done yet. SO ANNOYING.

OK. I'm just gonna say it, despite the Darksiders 2 backlash. It's time for a Twilight Princess HD re-up on Wii U.

I want it, but more in the 'ugh should I just throw money away for no reason this week because I'm dumb?" kinda way.

But people criticize Obama 24/ lost me there.