Lawrence Bonk

It's not that simple. It's about money and looks stay the same so long as the money train keeps moving full steam ahead. As soon as it starts showing even the slightest downward trajectory, then those 'unchangeable' aesthetics you talk about get thrown out the window. In other words, nothing is set in stone ever and

(I'm responding to myself here.) The sad part is, in their quest to create this sad little mini PR buzz thing when they re-re-re-release something on Wii U VC or something, they lose out on so much money. I, for one, would have already spend at least $150 if I could think of an old game , look for it, and just get it

The virtual console thing is the most infuriating, although Sony isn't innocent on that charge either.

Both responders said it right, monster hunter + animal crossing with a dash of harvest moon and, dare i say it, just a sprinkling of skyrim(in the simplest way possible.) I put in like 90 hours :(.

i think if i'm ever in the south i'll probably just eat bbq until i pass out/die or both. but i'd check that out too. american history!

I live in the north and don't get out much so pardon my ignorance but, people go to events at plantations?! Yikes.

You can't possibly see how a game intended to help with depression, especially in this day and age, wouldn't be noteworthy? It practically screams "write about me" to journalists, no matter who developed it. It's one of those "damn I should have thought of that" ideas. I mean, come on.

One could make an argument toward the other direction as well. The PlayStation simply could not get a handle on 3D gaming like the N64 could, same with local multiplayer. Not to mention the PS1's notorious load times..

shine on, you crazy, dancing diamond.

I certainly know people can and do but it's inappropriate for you to put words in other people's mouths just because that is what you would do is what I was saying.

you don't know what other people would do, particularly if they already have millions upon millions upon millions of dollars. do i need the money to eat? then yeah i'd take it. do i need it for a tenth golden hot tub? nah, nine will be cool thanks.

This is absolutely right except by slowly you probably mean realllyyy slowly. The infrastructure is just not there yet and doesn't particularly seem that close, especially if consumers expect to keep playing more and more sophisticated games every five years or so.

that's a lot of big words there but have you even played Fez? The game is a brilliant "anything can happen" puzzle box that makes me want to break out the paper and draw a map like I'm eight years old and playing Milon's Secret Castle or something. I don't know Phil and don't pay much attention to his social media

Interesting point. I just made quinoa and vegetables but I don't call myself chef. Also, yes, that was a humble brag that I ate healthy tonight. Doughnuts, you foul beasts, leave my system at once!

I'd wear being on this list as a badge of honor! In other news, how come Kotaku and Kotaku UK are so far apart! These hateful people need graphic designers who consider narratives in their design choices!! (mad)

That Starfox demo at E3 wasn't even close to being a game. I buy Zelda in 2015 before I buy that in 2015.

publishers fiddle with holiday release dates all of the time.

Someone should just make a headline template that reads "_________ For iOS is the Worst Way to Play a Great Game" (FTL withstanding)

Something about it makes me want to eat it.

Reading this, I naturally assumed SJW meant something along the lines of pay-for-play or something regarding the nefarious underbelly of gaming journalism. I was like "yeah! i can get behind that!" Then I read further down and saw, no, nothing to see here. Just a crazy person who sees people getting fed up with