Lawrence Bonk

it sucks so bad that we are still dealing with this in such a large, seemingly insurmountable and tangible way. its 2014. :( the future.

Mobile gaming can be a pretty big bummer. They really ought to do more than just have that little "contains in app purchases" tag on the iOS store. F2P and that other thing where you exchange money for a finished game ought to be kept in completely different sections. I know I'm not alone, but I love a well done $5

Not to play contrarian but I kind of think Jar Jar is the best thing about that trilogy. At LEAST its awful in such a tangible and entertaining way. Without Jar Jar it'd just be the most boring 8 hours of cinema in history.

does someone have to mention the robin williams-sized elephant in the room?

since they have the now technology already ready to go, why not just let the borrower download the game or portions thereof or something instead of doing this whole feeding from one ps4 thing?

ha this is an ad dennis reynolds would make.

well this is a thing i'll never give another thought to.

The only reason I'm excited for this even in the slightest is PS2 rpgs on the Vita, DQ 8 for instance. Without that, snoozeville.

You didn't like the sidescrolling Zelda 2 one? Thought it was cool. Short but cool. Believe it or not, that game is what got me into the show.

I would give just about anything for a port of the snes or gba version on wii u or 3ds or, well, anywhere. I have it on Vita but, as you all know, the load times just make a tiny bit annoying(is this a first world problem? probably.)

well, as far as my reading comprehension goes, shrug. people have good days and bad days. i didn't see your post below it. sometimes its easy to lose track of every post in a thread. sorry to throw shade and exhibit my poor, poor reading comprehension. i'll go get a hooked on phonics or something.

same here. i have all the consoles and haven't turned on the ps4 since infamous but at least there are a couple of games i played the crap out of on it. i haven't played anything on xb1 longer than an hour or two and it may have been peggle 2.

there has been four new super mario bros games fyi. one on ds. one on 3ds. one on wii and one on wii u. and thats in eight years.

The Vita is slowly and surely becoming my go to handheld device due to just what this review indicates: RPGs and indies. P4G also happens to be one of my absolute desert island video games, so that helps.

This game has inexplicably stuck itself inside my cranium since i was a little kid. i know it's not good, per say, but there's something about it. maybe it's those dogs. and all of the delicious looking food. i was an indoor kid, after all.

I get the feeling by the way that star trek sentence was worded he has no damned idea what he's talking about. anybody else?

The real question is, where are the ultra realistic babalities?

yeah this is exactly right. i dislike senseless violence as much as the next guy, but mortal kombat just would feel weird without its share of over the top gore. not that i play it anymore, mind you. i wasted enough quarters getting my ass handed to me back in the day.

I hope this is the kind of game that keeps getting updated and updated and then in twenty years we can actually live in it so I can finally, finally just give up.

the last 15 years of sega has some words to say to you on that front..