
your mom sounds awesome. also, yeah, sarandon is making me feel weird!

yeah i'm wondering the same thing. i have a vita but what are you playing?

do you think its louder? it looks like it has extra speaker, um, hole thingies. i only ask because the volume on the 3ds sucks the suck of 1,000 sucks. unless i'm going deaf which is a possibility.

the dsi XL sold like gangbusters in japan so it was a no brainer for the japanese market. then what are they gonna do? go thru the trouble of making new hardware and not release it here? were that the case then this entire article would be about how nintendo doesn't love us enough..or something.

the excuse is, i guess, that the game publishers don't care about e3 anymore.

I've had two rrods so far. I guess I'm one of those suckers but, at the time, I was way into the exclusives Microsoft had on offer(not so much anymore.) At least we know the Wii U will be built like a brick craphouse like all of their products. I swear you can throw Nintendo hardware off of a building and it'll still

Maybe they'll address some conspicuously absent-from-E3 games like Animal Crossing.

I didn't read all of these but for journeyman you could do NO better than ken grimwood's "replay." the best time travel/man out of time story I've ever read.

I think I can speak for most of us here but just seeing the word "metroidvania" in conjunction with this game gave me a hugeee sigh of relief.

Do people really want to see a "darker grittier version of Star Wars" as they say over and over again in this video? I just to play a great game that feels like the original trilogy. This seems like it could be cool though. Uncharted redux I guess.

It could be problematic spoiler-wise but this is Nintendo. You know there will be all manner of way to opt-out of this service and you know each and every time you post anything at all there will be a cute warning with like a Boo reminding you to not post spoilers. It'll be fine.

Someone's gotta say this so it may as well be me.

Agreed even though Resistance and Gravity Rush come out really soon.

Yeah exactly. I mean, this is only if they want it to be a feature that gets people to buy the Vita. Otherwise 99.9 percent of people will just pick up the PS3 copy and have at it. For a system that still doesn't have its sea legs(popularity wise) you'd think it'd want any feature set it could get its hands on.

This price thing is a huge problem. I mean, whatever, if Sony wants to charge people 90-100 bucks to be able to play a game across the two platforms that is their prerogative. However, it really makes this a non-feature in my eyes. Probably all of your eyes too.

Yeah. It can be annoying. I know people who have used the site to basically finance their vacations(These people usually already have more money than they know what to do with.) So when its used that way its gross and takes away from when its used credibly.

Exactly this. I think the research and writer assumes this class of people is buying and eating organic food because they care about the environment and not just because it tastes better, is better for them and is a small status symbol to boot. I don't think the sample set would be all-together altruistic if organic

I understand the sentiment but it is curmudgeonly. It's a plea, in a sense, yes. But the alternative is to wait for already established modes of delivery to create great science fiction. For books this is fine. For everything else it is not. Have you played any previous two guys from andromeda games? They rule and

I'm chiming in with everyone else here. The Layton music is, dare I say, iconic. The clip you played was ok but just..something that was hanging there like a sock.

I am gonna spend the night with this game and make it breakfast in bed the next morning. Not the crappy stuff either. Straight up eggs benedict with fresh hollandaise.