
Another example of journalists that think people pay attention to sports as an auxiliary to their writing and not the other way around.

“The Oak Man was swishin’ and dishin’, shovin’ and wrastlin’, boxin’ out like it was Laimbeer and Rodman down there.”

Burn this program down

If Pop lead a coup to overthrow the current government, I would totally sign up to be in his army.

I’m a Journeyman Ironworker out of Local 709 Savannah Ga. January 20 @ 1159 I quit my job building a DOE/NNSA fuel processing facility. I couldn’t fathom even technically working for Trump for 1 minute. I had a new job Monday @ 0600. I can afford to put principles in front of paychecks because I work Union. Organize

Snoop on ice..

I don’t know how many times I have to say this; Megyn Kelly is a rancid, racist bitch who was perfectly at home with Faux News. She’s not a real journalist and she only bucked the Faux party line when it was some shit that benefitted her personally.


Being dead helps.

I have fucking had it with the baseball writers getting to vote on the HOF.

Newsflash to the graduate of the entitlement university that is American Football Culture, losing a football game is not adversity. Never has been, never will be. Not having enough to eat, being deathly ill, losing your home or a family member, THAT is adversity. I don’t know your past, so I won’t claim you have never

“What adversity you went through?”- 31-year-old man worth $19 million because he’s good at a game

Man this sucks. Utah is a great team held back somewhat by constant injuries. I’m not even a Jazz fan, but I’m excited by how good this team could be if they could have a sustained period without injury. What a bummer.

They couldn’t reach agreeement on Hume’s first principles of the contents of the mind.

I know he plays for the Jets but Petty does not have to live like a refugee.

Counterpoint: Fuck Curt Schilling with a rusty drill in his bloody ankle hole. Until Bonds and Clemens get in (and even then) Nazi Curt should be left out.

Well, I’ll boycott the Holiday Bowl either way, just to be safe.

Who would ever want to live in San Diego if there’s no perennial 8-8 NFL team there? It’s like hell on earth.

No that is complete bullshit. This is absolutely the fault of the owners. They are immensely wealthy individuals who hold these cities hostage by exploiting the passion of the fans that have supported their team. Yes the politicians should tell these owners to go fuck themselves but that’s easier said than done

Honestly, I don’t really fault any owner. It’s the politicians who deserve ridicule - only one fucking councillor spoke out against this? They still owe $181 million on the concrete bowl that fills with sewage and one councillor opined that maybe this wasn’t the smartest use of taxpayer dollars?