Russell Westbrook: “I don’t give a fuck about the line.”
Russell Westbrook: “I don’t give a fuck about the line.”
Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.
I work in IT, and can’t stress enough the importance of reliable backups.
Sanchez told the Daily News that she and her daughter were Reyes’ “road family,”
What he didn’t say is that he drowned a kid who was also trying to get the ball.
I think this is the Buzzfeed-ification of news, where you can get a news story with Parks and Rec and Office gifs sprinkled thoughout it right after you read about “27 Times We Were All Hangry AF” and learn which Disney princess you are based off of what kind of tacos you like.
Hopefully the future of sports news isn’t video game gossip being shoved down our throats by a razor company. Oh wait, that’s Deadspin.
I’d rather have a 9 to 5 job where I’m treated like a human, too.
“a 9 to 5 job where I get treated like a human, at this point.”
15+ percent tip is getting stiffed? I was under the impression that was about average. I’m guessing, since it was Old Spghetti Factory, maybe service/meal didn’t warrant a whopping 20% tip. I don’t even know why I come to deadspin anymore. Apparently this is newsworthy and someone is actually paying you to phone in…
Not bad for a guy who gave up on two teams in the prime of his career
It’s not like OKC played a Sonics tribute when Seattle visited either.
The starting Duke guard of 2030.
I need to get to 10 turnovers tonight
Reason I keep coming here is to occasionally stumble on a new piece of writing from Nolan about Boxing. I can actually do without most of the snarky hot takes, although I do enjoy Drew taking hard lines on dumb shit (because it makes as much sense as most hard line stances taken on “serious” subjects).
it seems like it offers the things I like most about live baseball: Sitting outside in nice weather, eating and drinking, and just absorbing the entire sensory experience—the smells, the sounds—without necessarily caring that much about who wins or loses, or even who plays.
HamNo’s boxing columns have singlehandedly gotten me to watch more boxing. Hard to understand and appreciate the technical aspects of the sport when few people are writing about them, and he’s out there breaking it down for readers.
At some point, you have to [air horn] distractions to [booming PA announcer hype man voice] and [Jock Jams cut] and [instructions to make some noise] kick in the nuts.
You’d probably end up fighting people for money.