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    This will ostensibly be the wrong take, but inquiring minds want to know: what were those medical bills like in the months that followed?

    Hm. Didn’t know the thermostat could be part of that.  I actually have a new one still in the box. I needed to replace is back in the spring, but now that it’s hot as hell everyday it works fine. I’ll give that a go.

    I used to work with a lot of Mexican and Guatemalan dudes.  They really warmed up when they found out I could speak a little Spanish.  Honestly some of the coolest folks to be around. 

    I have an e46 BMW. The SES light came on, and I tracked a broken intake boot. No problem. It came on again, wound up taking it to a shop and $230 later it was fixed. It stayed off for a long time then it came on again, in this interim we had a child so I have no time for wrenching. Took it to a shop, about $250 later

    Neutral: I was in college and relatively insulated from it all. My crap job cut back my hours and gas got really expensive, so I ran up some credit card debt. But that was mostly because I was too stupid to understand money at that time. My dad is and was a truck driver and saw an aggregate 25% or so decrease in pay

    What CFA has done is not revolutionize the chicken sandwich or really any food for that matter, but they have revolutionized the fast food experience. CFA is genuinely a pleasant place to purchase food. I don’t really know what they do for their employees, I imagine their wages are at least somewhat better than

    I am now reminded of that episode of The Cleveland Show where Cleveland Jr inherits some money and Rallo calls him Donald Plump.

    It’s in the works.  I think theres a shop in TX doing it.  The news was making rounds the other day.  Supposedly they are crafting a swap that they can offer for like 12 grand.

    Counterpoint, pod racing as a concept is dope.  I still play that pod racing game on my ps4 from time to time. 

    I think they realized they screwed the pooch with Maul by rewriting him into the CGI star wars TV show, which I do not know if that qualifies as canon. They then furthered that arc with some comic book appearances (again not sure if canon),  which were mostly okay but with virtually zero character development in the

    Just @ me next time.

    This resonated hard. I’m from the same area in NC, and what little progressiveness you see in the cities is mostly isolated, and the suburbs and rural parts of the state can sometimes wash it out. We’ve had two Democratic governors within the last decade or so, so I think it’s safe to say by the numbers NC is a purple

    The configurator keeps locking up on me, I think it’s an issue on my end, but...

    The WJ Grand Cherokee had this. I used it frequently for retrieving smaller, lighter items. Though the struts failed making it inoperable for a while, once I replaced them you could practically sit on top of the open window.  5/7 would own a vehicle with this feature again. 

    Growing up in the south, I can say that there was a time when it was.  Some time between when I was old enough of a child to be aware, and when I was too old to not know better, my folks instilled in me that the stars and bars is for trash people to outwardly signal their trash.  Some time in the past, say 2009-2017,

    Oh for sure it’s got its audience.  I am just not part of that audience. 

    Neutral: You know what? I’m just gonna say it. ELECTRIC POWER STEERING.

    I’m guessing the whole “Canada” thing means no A/C isn’t the end of the world for most of the year?

    Stradale is a great answer. Not sure if 100% true or not, but the 360 CS is reportedly the loudest production Ferrari ever made, because regulations changed in the years following its production. Someone feel free to fact check.

    I used to hate it, then I shotgunned a Busch Light and let ‘er rip, tater chip.