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    Probably a dumb question, but, is the CT4 an automatic only affair?

    That is quite the take considering an F2 driver died a little under 8 weeks ago.

    My ranking of Minimum wage (or generally low pay) jobs based on personal experience, best to worst:

    This resonates with the moron in me.  I had a paid off WJ grand cherokee that needed quite a bit of refreshing, so naturally I took the opportunity to sell it and buy a “fun” car, a 2005 e46 ZHP.  I even BORROWED money to buy a super low mile 2 owner car.  I don’t know exactly why I did that, good credit and easy

    I would counter and say the CTR was a smart move in the short term if you had negative equity from the previous car. If you now have positive equity you could sell it off and buy something in cash, saving your payment or something close to it while you build savings, invest, actually enjoy life, or whatever people do

    This is a weirdly accurate metaphor for how I’m getting through life. 

    Good looking out. Don’t think I’ve ever seen those. Are they Euro market only?

    Anyone know what the teal sponsor graphic is on the right side of the rear wing in the car pictured in the lead photo?

    As a 5'7" dude I’m puzzled why this is #2. I’m fairly short, objectively, but not short enough to have a complex about it and cause a scene at a bagel shop.  I do wish I were just a bit taller, most of the time.  Putting things into the high shelves on my cabinets wouldn’t require quite so much planning, and maybe if

    Aside from a couple of dualies over the years I regularly drive my work E350. It’s absolutely horrid until you get about 2,000 lbs in the back, then its quite tranquil. But the largest was a volvo day cab semi truck I only drove on a trucking yard to hook up trailers. It was a special kind of difficult. The clutch

    I’m a cave troll, unable to distinguish minute details or differences in color, but I’m pretty good when it comes to shapes that look like other shapes. 

    Pretty sure that’s a Lambo Urus dude. 

    Buy one.  Treat yo’self.

    If only.  I flirted with the idea of a 996, but the insurance was shockingly high.  That and the sliver of a chance the IMS would destroy the engine and leave me with a very large paperweight. 

    You just reminded me that my few bearded friends who happen to be conservative also happen to have really weak chins. Wonder what that Venn diagram looks like at a larger scale. I’m fortunate that while lacking most traditional traits of conventional attractiveness, I do have a great jawline which I still cover with

    Ideally my goal as well.  I spent a lot of time in a 240sx as a kid.  I want my daughter to get that experience. 

    Hm.  I’m on a never ending quest for something rad, quick, and able to seat two adults and a child. 

    So the USDM z32 Twin Turbo was only a 2 seater, but I’m given to understand that there was a JDM twin turbo that was also a 2+2?  Is this correct?

    Question from a noob....are we to assume he has zero chance of competing in F1 or F2 again?

    That’s difficult to quantify, and I’m a relatively new F1 fan but I would prefer to see standardized budgets (spending caps) rather than standardized parts.  Reigning in the best teams doesn’t inherently make the slower cars faster but it does attempt to make the races less predictable.  Additionally I think