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    What year was it? My dad's is an 02 and I don't think it has the digital part.

    You talking about my take or your own? I find my take to be pretty lukewarm if you ask me. I guess you’re right though. Tesla can get away with, shall we say, unconventional interiors that GM could never do, because there is little frame of reference. But I had considered that you need a lot less information with an

    Maybe. Maybe not. I’m sure there are a litany of situations in which autopilot won’t work. And if your area is anything like mine, there are a surplus of police looking for traffic offenses.

    Neutral: I, personally, dislike having to turn my head even a bit to check my speed. My dad's Mini has the dinner-plate sized speedo in the center of the dash, and while it's easy enough to get used to, it's not preferential. Other than that, I find it inoffensively styled, if a little underwhelming.

    I’ll go NP on this Dasher only if I can have at least Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen to go along.

    My only regret is I have but one star to give.

    And they can't read good.

    I know where one of these sits, in dire need of restoration, and has had a for sale sign on it for around 3 years.

    I know some of these words.

    I'm from NC, currently live in SC. Maybe it's more of a southeast thing.

    Lifelong southerner, can confirm. Though I have never liked the combination. Mayo and Tomato sammies are also yuuge in the south. Not a fan of raw tomatoes myself, but that combination seems less odd.

    Well done. Have a star.

    Neutral: It's all well and good, but what happens when gas (inevitably) goes back up and Ford (inevitably) shudders a plant focused on building trucks and SUV's? Will they bring the small car production back? Me thinks not. Perhaps I am just an eternal pessimist.

    Aren't we all?

    Movie connection?

    If I click that, what are the chances it redirects to meatspin?

    Do you want COTD? Because that's how you get COTD.

    I honestly did not even think it was ashes. I don’t know what I thought it was. Gravel maybe? But what sense would that make? I quickly forgot about it, if you couldn’t tell.

    I don’t think you can succinctly say that. He seems to hate everyone. And everything, except Vader and the dark side. He doesn't hate anyone because of skin color, gender, or preference, he hates everyone.

    The fact that this had to be brought up, to me anyway, shows that there was no call to attention to this detail. Agreed, it is a little bit of a gaudy display when you know what it is, but having not known what it was for months, and really paying no attention to it the times I saw the film, I think it cuts a nice