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    Mostly agree, one thing to add: I am not crazy about JDM as Negan. Sure, hes a good actor, and probably as good as anyone to portray the role, but the character is restrained in relation to the source material from the start, because of comic Negan’s flippant use of the F word. It might seem banal or trivial, but it

    Precisely why a punch to the mouth is warranted. They walk away with no more than a split lip and a bruised ego, but a greater understanding that the world is not your playground.

    If a dude did this to someone's car, would it not warrant a swift, closed-fisted punch to the mouth? I'm pro-equality in this situation.

    Just switch to coils if it fails out of warranty. Or get rid of it and get an LC like a sane person.

    Question for anyone better versed in electric cars than I: If a person has a 60 mile daily commute, and assuming the car has a range of +/-200 miles, starting with a full charge Monday morning, would you do a top-off charge every evening or wait until mid week to charge?

    TBH that line struck me in a "grounded to the ground" kind of way. WTF did that person think making cars was like? Slapping some gorilla glue on sheet metal?

    You think this is some middle of the mall sh*t?

    That is quite the blaze. I bet you could fry some eggs on its headlights.

    I think a key distinction is going to be that the Model 3 is so unlike anything else you might find at a dealership elsewhere, that there is no basis for comparison. So the price for a Model 3 is the price, and you never really have a frame of reference on how you did because there aren’t vast swaths of all electric

    Well at least there's that bit of salvo. TBH I have been a fan of Bernie for a while. But him as president comes with a lack of, shall we say, showmanship that you get with the Donald.

    Isn't that Helen Lovejoy?

    Truuuu. Trump is infinitely more entertaining though.

    That’s interesting. A few years ago, I took the POPAT and a few entrance tests to get into the academy for a city near my hometown. The written test was pandering it was so easy. I was probably the first or second person in the group to finish. Made it to the first face to face interview and got rejected. They never

    It has to be frustrating for the ones that might be educated who are basically trained to speak that way. I'm not sure why, but it hits the ear wrong every time.

    Well at least they’re consistent.

    “...multiple motorcycles would not vacate the lane closest to my marked patrol car. I deployed my pepper spray into the lane closest to me, at which point approaching motorcycles began to vacate the lane, allowing me to conduct a traffic stop.”

    Dad's Mini S will. The fogs are operated with a toggle switch separate of the headlights.

    That speech idiom really grinds my gears.

    I forgot about that...oh lord. At least the long phallic inspired sports cars had an abundance of cool. Kind of like DEE ICE AAEEGE!

    The tumbler was dumb. Fight me.