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    My 94 4Runner was not only leaking oil but smoking white something fierce. I assumed the end was near and traded it for another older 4x4. Turns out it only needed a minor fix to the power steering system (I think), which was leaking fluid into the motor to subsequently be burned off. The guy I traded it to later told

    Theoretically that should be no problem, but then they added the language about the original engine to the statute, so the water got really murky really fast.

    Neutral: I would think the liability would fall to whomever owns said autonomous car. At the end of the day you can’t charge a machine with traffic offenses and also can’t seek compensation from that machine. The owner could then rebuff “but I didn’t do anything, the car malfunctioned in some way.” The buck has to

    Were you able to negotiate the price down, or was it more the price is the price?

    Wow. I would have left in just as much drama as I was then subjected. Expletives and all. It’s rather sick to prey on someone’s emotions like that. I would just about lease a new 3 series every few years because of the premium brand dealership experience. They really do take care of you, in my experience.

    I don't think I addressed your first point about the dealer ordering or being allowed to order certain things. I wonder how much of that is dictated by the mfr in the first place?

    Well I would agree with you there. But, I am still not convinced that getting away from the dealer model would change the paradigm for certain automakers, in this instance Toyota. If you try and build any vehicle on their site, you get redirected to the distributor's inventory and you can see what is on offer. I for

    Well you’re talking about the difference between mix and matching options already on offer vs totally reinventing the vehicle. But I would love a Taco with TRD off road package, crew cab and manual. Sadly I think they disco'd the green color I loved.

    While I'm sure that still happens, I'm willing to bet it doesn't happen as much as it did 20-30 years ago.

    Well I would have avoided VW for lots of reasons. The one you listed isn’t one of them.

    Interesting perspective. So you’re suggesting that, if things moved away from a dealership model, I could theoretically buy a Toyota Tacoma spec'd out like I want, rather than receiving the "you can buy what we build and like it" that we have been getting from Toyota for some time now?

    Buying cars online would further toasterify the goals of most manufacturers. That is, meet the lowest common denominator for functionality and gadgets, offer a couple of different basic layouts that are fundamentally the same, disregard driving dynamics. As much of a PITA as the dealership model is, it is still

    Was this at UNCG? Looks like it. My alma mater. In fact, I took several classes in that rather uninspired looking building behind the orange Aventador.

    Darn. Now I really want to go have the authentic dish. I spoke with someone who has had the real deal in Nashville and highly recommended it. I had the KFC version a couple of weeks later, and while it wasn’t terribly offensive, more sweet than spicy, I was confounded by the oiliness where I had originally expected a

    Any chance the hypothetical attacker was just a rabid Norton enthusiast?

    I keep repeating it, but it never makes any more sense: "These guys are running for nomination to candidacy for the President of The United States." Nope. Still doesn't make sense.

    Yeah I'm going to need him/her to elaborate...

    I think their lineup has progressed, albeit marginally, such that they could compete with the VW Golf and the like. Pops currently wants whatever the four door Mini is, in AWD with automatic. Yet he bought a 4th gen 4Runner a few weeks ago...

    Neutral: It's going to be hard. American consumers have notoriously short term memory when it comes to these things. TBH Mini has a bit of a brand identity problem. Nicer than a Honda, yet not as reliable, but not as nice as an entry level Merc, or so the muggles think, (Muggles are non car people in this context.) My

    I am fortunate enough to live in what is arguably “the golf capital of the country,” so most courses I frequent not only cost around $30 for 18, but have legitimate bathrooms every 6 holes or so. It is rare that I have to pee on the course itself. Sidenote: the worst time I ever had to poo in public was at Bed, Bath,