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    Absolutely. He did something/knows something. But he's a republican wet dream, he won't face anything. Brady might have been burned at the stake by now.

    Are you talking about the HGH thing? If so, that will blow over for PM.

    It's not his fault, he just has too many chromosomes.

    The car from Casino Royale? Sign me up, metaphorically speaking.

    Almost looked like he hyper extended his right leg and got off balance, then tried to shift back left once he got leveled out. But what do I know.

    Come on Pats fans, we have to steer into the skid at this point. I enjoy being the villain.

    You left out the part where you used to have one and then you sold it and then you met the person who would become your wife and then you wanted another bike but your now wife says no.....)-;

    Dammit, well done.

    GT86 or GTFO

    COT effing D

    The Toyota dealer in my hometown has been spamming my inbox more than their usual once per year lately. They must know I would purchase an FRS with a Toyota badge.

    I find myself genuinely curious what the original was...

    I did read the first couple issues of RHaA. I liked it, but it just felt like more of the same. A darker Red Hood might seem played out at this time, but I'd still be game for it.

    “I got SUVs. I lots of ‘em. Yuge SUVs. I think a Ferrari SUV would be perfect. Really great. We’re going to do it. Just like that. We’re going to make a yuge Ferrari SUV. We’ll make Ferrari great again." - Donald Trump

    TFW you realize it's been nearly five years that you've been reading Snyder's Batman. Also when you read Teen Titans way too long, hoping it was going to figure itself out by the next issue, and never did. RHatO was too similar much of the time. I'd like to see the Hood on his own, perhaps in a darker, yet more


    I've often wondered if your day job is somehow related to the Ford GT. You provide consistently interesting content on the matter, almost intuitively.

    Drive for 10 years, 100,000 miles. sell for 22,000.

    Slam dunk.

    I want Bernie to win. There’s no question he is the better candidate for the party and the country. Hell, HRC is barely a liberal much of the time.