Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

he is appealing.

Smells like a publicity stunt to me.

Besides which he quite literally has diplomatic immunity. The UN doesn’t want Black Panther going somewhere? Too bad, because T’Challa can go anywhere he wants to under the auspices of diplomatic missions. If he so happens to need to defend himself against bad guys while he’s there... well, who can fault him for that?

If you use your fandom as an excuse to attack people you’ve never met and who did nothing to you, you’re not a good person. And that goes especially for anyone who criticizes what I like. You’re all assholes and I hope you die.

I think it’s mostly rumored that Lyanna wasn’t captured/raped but ran away with the Targ because they were in luuuuurv. That’s why she’ll ask Ned to look after the little tyke after she dies during child birth.

This is how bad sci-fi starts. First, they patch holes in his DNA with velociraptor DNA. And then you’ve got Leonardo da Vinciraptor.

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

Per law, the dogs are required to use the bathroom that corresponds to their breed identity at birth. Which, for most breeds, is anywhere they damn well please.

The over-prescription of opioids

The night she aired that ad the first time, she made it clear she didn’t know who the actor was. I’m sure dozens of people did the same thing I did, which was I knew his face and his voice but not his name. I had to dig through the internet to help me remember where I’d seen him before (he was the father in WarGames,

Fair Use covers reviews, both positive and negative. Jim Sterling's videos are reviews, and therefore covered. YouTube however doesn't give a shit, and neither do the rights holders, and are breaking the law but in a way that seriously makes it hard to fight them on it.

“Watch An Adult Eat A Hockey For The First Time”

I’ll just leave this here. (via xkcd)

Yesterday’s “god-dammit, kids” are today’s “god-dammit, adults.”

It’s great that he took care of that so quickly. Now that he’s free, he can boot up Fallout 4, where there’s a settlement that needs his help.

I can’t say enough good things about Tom King’s The Vision series that is going on right now. It’s so, so good. Any fan of comics, superheroes, or even horror should be reading it.

Just starting the podcast now. I really hope we can get some real discussion about the travesty that is the combat system, which seems to be getting overlooked by multiple outlets. I am all for action combat and actually thought it held a lot of potential when passed through the lens of Final Fantasy, but it’s generic

“Okay, Jeff, you head it the wrong direction then run into a pole.

I agree, I had same problem with XenobladeX, I hated that games combat because it was neither hard nor fun