Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

What I don’t understand is why the Brotherhood Without Banners is killing random, seemingly innocent smallfolk. Wasn’t their whole deal protecting the little people? Why would Lady Stoneheart want a preacher and his congregation killed? Makes no sense to me.

It's like Bruce Willis had a baby with Peyton Manning.

I’ve answered your question. You just don't like the answer. Deal with it, I guess.

I don’t know what else to tell you, buddy. I’ve made my point very clearly. If you’re not getting it, you're just being obtuse. I guess you should just move on.

The point is that this is a Ghostbusters reboot, and probably shouldn’t require the kind of marketing where we can put together all the trailers and “vignettes” and basically construct our own beat-for-beat synopsis of the movie. Ghostbusters should be a no-brainer. That they're pushing this so hard gives me a very

Looks cool, but no HOTAS support is a deal-breaker for me. I'll check it out if it ever gets patched in.

Isn't Justin Bieber the entire reason Popstar exists in the first place?

How exactly does water erode a hydrophobic surface?

No, because in this universe there are not two sets of ghostbusters split into gendered teams. This one is no more about dividing the sexes than the first one was.

I didn't say heavy marketing necessarily means a bad movie. I'm making an observation about this movie in particular, and its specific marketing.

Even just the relatively tame VR horror demos out there are pretty damned intense when you're experiencing them. I can't imagine playing PT in VR.

Maybe. Or maybe they just made a bad movie. One doesn't preclude the other.

I’m not rating anything. I haven’t seen it. I’m just saying that all the constant exposure to people talking about it basically burned me out before I even got a chance to watch it. I don’t know why this is a difficult concept for you.

Fun fact: Blu-Rays are still DVDs.

I was going to wait for it to finish and then watch it so I didn't get burned like all those suckers who got hooked on Lost, but by the time it wrapped up I was so sick of hearing about it that I just didn't bother.

You misspelled "sexy," but thanks anyway.

How? By using my brain. Between these videos and the trailers you can practically put together a beat-by-beat synopsis of the movie, which would indicate to me that they don’t think the movie can stand on its own without a heavy-handed marketing push. From the footage they’ve shown, I believe they’re probably correct.


I don't recall making any statements or generalizations about "all movies," or making any statistical claims. I made an observation about this one particular movie and its marketing. Whatever pet cause you're trying to get into an argument about, go tell it to someone who gives a shit.

It means you're going to have a universe where Ghostbusters are unnecessarily segregated by gender, which seems like a bad look.