Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

It's not going to happen because you're basically describing "Ghostbusters: Separate but Equal," which is.....not a great look.

Each of the new Ghostbusters has received their own introductory video, meaning we’ve received a ton of new film footage, along with details about the characters and the plot.

If it was just camping, I'd agree, but it's really anything where they have to spend any money at all. Having movie night at home or chilling at the park are all well and good, and we do those things sometimes, but damn, I'd like to be able to have a beer at the bar with some of these people or catch a movie or

Because they generally have been. It’s only been since the Gizmodo merger that they’ve gotten this clickbaity. Prior to that they were probably the only Gawker site that didn’t pull this crap.

I feel like the only person who loves The Witcher 3, but can’t stand Gwent. I’ve got nearly 300 hours into the game across 2 full playthroughs and the DLC, and I’ve skipped every single Gwent quest. I just don't understand the appeal.

That’s the thing; they can’t even afford a cheap tent and enough grillable meats and beer to last a weekend. How am I supposed to hang out with people who can’t contribute anything to the event, no matter how far in advance I make plans?

Plus you can make extra money selling weed.

I have kind of the opposite problem. I'm in my early 30s and making pretty decent money. I'll never be rich, but the bills are all paid and there's a little left over for savings, so I'm good. A lot of my friends, though, seem to be so irresponsible with their money that it's hard to hang out with them. I know they

He's just a troll. It's really out own faults for engaging.

Nothing about that is an insult. It’s a fair assessment of the situation. No ad hominim, not personal attacks. Just because you can’t refute an argument doesn’t make in an insult. Again, you’re simply being obtuse. I suppose it’s my own fault for assuming you actually wanted to discuss the matter rather than just

How I talked to you? You’re the one who went off on the passive aggressive “I don’t know Flying Squid" tangent. Don't dish out what you can't take, Nancy. It's not smart to try to kick ass when you don't have a leg to stand on.

Sure, but while you're at it, look up "hypocrisy," because you're clearly having a hard time with that one.

Not in the pop music scene, or at least not mainstream pop, which is what's being discussed when we're talking about Adele and "talent show" tv shows like the one he's making. Auto-tune and over-production are absolutely a prevailing trend in that area. Sure the use of the word "everything" is hyperbole, but again,

Start by looking up the definition for "hyperbole," and then ask yourself how that term applies to the quote in question.

Seems like a pretty clear point to me: "I'm looking for music that isn't overproduced."

I'm teaching you right now, but you're too obtuse to see it.

Well, I can tell you the "willfully obtuse" act is pretty much his go-to. A one-trick pony, through and through.

Either that, or I've overestimated your intelligence. I suppose you'd know better than I would.

He was commenting on a prevailing trend. "Everything" in this context is hyperbolic, but it's not like it's difficult to understand his point. You're being intentionally obtuse for the sake of being contrary.