Kamai - Looming and Inevitable

She is an entertainer. Does she entertain a lot of people? Yes. Does she not entertain you? Don’t listen. Problem solved.

Sounds like what he's saying is that Adele has a great voice, but with the state of pop music today you can't trust that any pop song you hear hasn't been manipulated. I'm not seeing this as a shot at Adele so much as a shot at over-produced pop music.

Ria, that headline/image combo is utter bullshit. If you're going to put the words "This image..." in your headline, then lead with the damned image you're referencing. This is completely misleading clickbait, and I expect i09 to be better than this.

So I was right. You're ridiculous. Got it.

If this game does make a killing in pre-order sales. What little respect I have for the gaming community will be gone

If you had the rig to run it, sure, but the game was coded primarily for consoles, specifically a new console generation whose horsepower was still in flux at the time, and so that was the standard they shot for. They didn’t “downgrade” the visuals, because there was nothing to downgrade. The game didn't exist at that

Okay. How does that apply here?

Right, but you need an RX from a doctor to get any kind of medical exception to the anti-doping rules. She didn't have an RX (or any other kind of doctor's recommendation) and the substance was banned, and she kept taking it. That's a pretty clear rule violation.

No one "lied" about the graphics in the first one. They had to make a demo for an incomplete game being developed for a still-unreleased console generation. Their demo was never going to be anything but a target to shoot for. If you took it as anything else, then you don't understand how game development works.

If this game does make a killing in pre-order sales. What little respect I have for the gaming community will be gone.

The issue is that there was no record of her still having that prescription after 2013, but she’s continued taking the drug, even after it was banned.

You know you’re getting desperate as a fan when a single home-run is enough to get your hopes up like this.

The Earth's circumference is just shy of 25,000 miles. Even if this bird was migrating to the opposite side of the planet and back it shouldn't have taken more than 25,000 miles. This bird went 35,000 miles out of its way. I can't find that kind if inefficiency inspiring.

I feel way ahead of the curve. I've been ignoring him for years.

Saw was a suspense movie. Nothing about it was "horror."

(Faith herself never picks up a firearm.)

Nah, I like that guy, I don’t want to go kill him, even if he does come back. Besides, the 40,000 or so gold I had saved up was enough to cover a full set of Grandmaster Wolven gear. Gotta do some exploring now to fund my vineyard, though.

This isn’t him being dismissive of gender issues, because this was never a gender issue.

I don't know what that has to do with how incredibly dumb this question was.

Of course there is such thing as dumb questions. This was an incredibly dumb, and frankly insulting (for both candidates) question.