As long as we TRY to make it work, and not resign ourselves to failure every time.
As long as we TRY to make it work, and not resign ourselves to failure every time.
Your recipe please!
Ax grinding transcends sensible behavior.
I can’t wait to watch this with my in-laws. See how long it takes my father in-law to react.
I don’t understand your flag and socialism connection.
This kind of craziness transcends race. But it makes for excellent news.
People want to think she’s horrible, because that’s news. The truth is always boring.
We don’t know who the source is, of if they’re credible. It could be the muffin guy looking for attention. The truth is always in the middle.
We all want her to be this evil, boss person, because it’s fun and interesting. But what if she’s just the victim of some blown-out-of-proportion rumors?
They should be locked in a room and forced to listen to this for 8 hours straight. My adorable 7 year old daughter loved this song, and use to play it over and over and over and over...
Maybe only transfer people who test positive for COVID-19 antibodies?
Enjoy the SEC investigation, Aston Martin.
Is she toxic or the show’s staff?
Is Ellen vile or the show’s producers?
I feel like we’re all just enablers.
Nope. You’re either with us, or against us. There is nothing else. -Dems
I watched this again recently and cringed until it hurt my insides.
I first saw him on Six Million Dollar Man.