Joe Patroni

Adapt or go on welfare. 

He’s missing his Kente-Cloth stole too. Of course Pelosi and Schumer remove their masks for the photo-op.

I see so many dip-shits violating mandatory mask policies, it’s ridiculous. But there doesn’t appear to be any authority enforcing it. All I see is the occasional passerby making a comment, which then triggers the non-mask-wearer.

Someone definitely made sure they checked all of the boxes when they were whiteboarding this.’s always the fax machine’s fault!

This “hobby” is getting expensive.

I think the average age of the infected in Florida is 36.  So there’s a generation that either thinks they’re invincible and/or doesn’t want to be bothered with measures and restrictions.

However, it also must be noted that it’s ironic that he’s the one speaking out about this issue, considering Microsoft’s history of using its market power to crush competitors.

I think the average age of those testing positive in Florida is 36, much lower than the 65 in other states. That could account for fewer deaths.  The older population is taking more precautions, but the infected will eventually spread it.

...assuming this woman isn’t lying or exaggerating because internet 

Didn’t you watch the shitshow that was the Democratic primaries?

In a sea of cookies, the Telluride looks different.  

What a cool idea.

Same here.  I thought this was already common knowledge.

At this point, so what? He’ll lose the general election in November and retreat to his Florida home.  Then hopefully we can focus on healing the country.

Does the driver overheat before the motor?

You can retrofit D to A converters to these, but they’re bulky and look stupid.

The POTUS is always reachable. In this case, he chose not to be disturbed unless it was important. I’m sure if China had launched nukes, or there was another terrorist attack, he’d be reachable.

More TNG characters in Picard?  Sure...why not.

It’s going to be a while before the robots take over these jobs.  Amazon thinks 9-10 years away.