Joe Patroni

Tahoes and Suburbans are still up there in price.   Not “dirt cheap” yet.

Only 20% said no. I guess that’s better than I expected, from reading the headline.

Ah, the whimsical doodles made by children, on my living room walls, in permanent marker. Which they then attempt to “wash off” with paint thinner.  the same stuff daddy uses to clean his paint brushes, so why not?  

Don’t worry.  They will.

Mark Rober is a former NASA engineer? Really? I didn’t know that.

Squirrels will empty your bird feeder every time.   

I’d swear that 2nd guy is Matt Damon and not Robert Behnken.

There was a major scare earlier today involving Hana Kimura, one of the top stars of Stardom. She evidently had a severe bout with depression. She is part of the cast of a reality show in Japan that is also popular on Netflix. She lost her temper at one of the male roommates on the show for not taking her ring outfit

Aaaaaah....Botswana in the Spring. It’s so romantic.

“Get out! Get out! Get out!”

People ask for special treatment all of the time. Is it tacky? Sometimes.

I didn’t realize they were wearing new pressure suits too. I’m excited about this. I won’t lie.

“hood has some small dents (from baseball foul balls)“

Why are we making fun of this drunk woman?  Was there racism involved here?

I think you’re onto something.  These roles are mentally demanding, as much as physical.  Hopefully she’ll reveal her reasoning before the speculation gets ridiculous.  

Trump will live through this, and win re-election as well. Don’t believe any of the polls out there, if 2016 taught us anything.

Whether they make the costumes themselves or not, the formula for becoming a professional cosplayer seems to be:

Pensions and Healthcare for retired employees is killing them.

You failed to mention the USPS is required to pay for retired employee health costs. They have to put aside $billions to pay for this. It’s obviously killing them financially.