Joe Patroni

“Get out! Get out! Get out!”

People ask for special treatment all of the time. Is it tacky? Sometimes.

“hood has some small dents (from baseball foul balls)“

Why are we making fun of this drunk woman?  Was there racism involved here?

What kind of car/suv was it? Huh? It’s killing me!

I am home alone with my thoughts, feeling vulnerable to poll data.

Uh, WTF?

My concern is we’re again focusing on the things that don’t matter, while we embolden Trump’s base. That’s one of the reasons we lost in 2016.

He’s not the brightest light in the drawer.

Latest CNN poll shows in the battleground states, 52% favor Trump and 45% Biden. So right now he wins the electoral college.  That may be what he’s referring to.

After at least 4 concussions, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jay suffers from some CTE, which seems to act like pouring MiracleGro on your character flaws.  e.g. Antonio Brown.

I am unemployed and stuck at home. How am I supposed to buy this stuff unless the government gives me more money?

I am unemployed and stuck at home. How am I supposed to buy this stuff unless the government gives me more money?

Didn’t you get your $1,2oo stimulus check?

Those boxes he moved were full.  He joked about the empty boxes still in the van.

He’s a dick with a sense of humor. Clearly it was a joke.  I guess the title is accurate.

Once there’s a vaccine, we’ll be back to complaining about poor service and bad tippers.

Don’t you just love AOC?

Jay is looking to the future now....

I let them land on me, and walk across my face. It feels good to be touched.

Maybe as an attention magnet, and conversation starter. But not for $5,500.