Joe Patroni

I wanted to like this movie.  I gave it a chance.  It was awful.  

Yeah, that’s the scene I thought they were talking about.

The short answer is no.

If only this was my biggest problem.

Sounds like they’re willing to work with the owners if needed.  Maybe they just needed to have a conversation about it?    But fake outrage is more fun!

Probably could have skipped the whole article and just read this:

Solar and Wind get cheaper, but their capacity factors can’t even come close to Nuclear.   More than 1/2 the time solar and wind aren’t producing electricity.   So what do we do during those times?  They need a reliable way to store power when these aren’t producing, or maybe a mesh of solar, wind, and nuclear so we

We should cancel Amazon.  Who’s with me?

I know we’re comparing $ per megawatt hour above, but we also need to look at capacity factor.

I found changing the WiFi password, and keeping it to myself, dramatically improves speeds in my house.

You Matter.  Until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squared.  Then you Energy.

We use Zoom for Telehealth. Obviously there are features you can enable, to prevent “Zoom Bombing” as they call it. You can require meeting passwords, lock the meeting after participants arrive, set to only Host can share, stuff like that.

Wow, that’s what I see in the mirror every morning, after a sleepless night.

We should cancel Amazon. Who’s with me?

We’re a medical center and we’ve standardized on Zoom.  It’s not perfect, but is HIPAA compliant, and can integrate with our EHR system.  Use has skyrocketed.

We should burn our stimulus checks in protest of how this administration has handled the crisis!

Well, at least they weren’t stuck up his butt.

I thought just us ugly people had to wear masks?

Is COVID-19 the new Donald Trump?  The cause of everything bad?

For me it’s the nostalgia.