Joe Patroni

I see two doors. Is it a duplex?

We should all stop using Amazon immediately.

Breaking Facebook into three baby Facebooks (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) would just create 3 entities all operating on their own, without central control. They’d want to grow at all costs, like cells dividing uncontrollably.

Of course, if the real police boot your car, and you find a way to cut yourself free, you’re going to end up protracting your problems and getting into more trouble. So don’t do that. I’d recommend parking legally in general, while you’re at it.


Great summary Matt. Thanks for posting this.

I love the frosted headlights.  $12 for a 3M kit to polish those out.

Tyler Perry’s HQ and Studios are in Atlanta. I wonder if he’ll comment.

What to say here...

I blame Taylor Swift for a lot of things.

What can our government do with the .5% federal budget allocated to NASA that it could not do with the remaining 99.5%?

No, I don’t think that’s what he meant.

So they’d have a motorcycle license, but wouldn’t know how to operate one?

When I took the course over 15 years ago in Buffalo NY, they used Honda Rebel 250s. Similar size and weight.  Very easy to learn on.

Nice job. My older brother had a Mattell Eagle 1.   I was not allowed to touch it.  

I was hoping for more critique of the attendees.  But Ru kept it classy.

I see you’re carpet bombing with hate in the comments.

Ha! We wish. It’ll probably help Trump get reelected.  We haven’t learned anything from 2016.

Definitely not safe sex.