Joe Patroni

I’m looking at used Tahoes and Expeditions now. I agree interest rates are higher on used, and to be avoided if possible. That’s what I’m trying to do.

Most clothing these days is so cheap, it is disposable. Unfortunately. Throw it in the landfill, or donate and make it somebody else’s problem.

I can attest to the “pile of cardboard”. My kids had fun assembling and playing with the kits, for about a day. Now the kits sit in a pile, unused.

Some people just don’t like pets, especially cats.  My mother in-law is both terrified of and disgusted by cats.  

A phone that bleeds and then heals itelf....?

Wow!  That’s a lot going on!


Mark David Chapman.  The guy who shot John Lennon.  I think the movie is Chapter 27.

That’s Mr. Spielberg to you, doll!

Seth MacFarlane has an IMAX theater in his home so just back off buddy.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

I’ve been buying these when they’re $1, focusing on famous brands. I’m thinking they may be worth something for brand collectors in the future.

Part of me gets satisfaction from seeing my Governor grovel for once.  But it’s also pathetic.  NY kissed 25,000 jobs goodbye and future tax revenue for all the freebies Cuomo loves.   

That’s what the media thinks. Although the Coven testimony, while entertaining, amounts to nothing we didn’t know already.

Burning Questions:

Every day!

we’ve narrowed it down to the 77 most fascinating things we saw, in honor of Star Wars’ original release year

A classy woman can change a guy for the better.  

Get over yourselves!

You also drive over the infidels.