Joe Patroni

it could wind up as an example of where the semi-autonomous driving system may have saved someone’s life.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (which is the same as me calling myself “former Bunker Hill Elementary third-grader”)

Not for you, this jacket.

I’m going to take their word for it.

Having tried online dating, it’s no surprise that most people lie about their age, weight, and even marital status.   

Who has an appetite for another Quiet Place movie?  Geez, I’m still recovering from the first one.   

That guy looks like David Spade.  A jacked David Spade.

I read all of the passages 3 times, just to be sure I got it.  Just awful.

$6 million huh?

Like I feel over my life I’m heard a lot about Santa Claus, but I mean who is he, like I don’t know.

I tried to whine about the data breach to Amazon support.  Did not receive a gift card.  

What? No stops in Rochester, NY?

I remember in 1990 I stopped at a garage sale and saw 2 Vectrex consoles for sale, with games. The woman running the sale said they were gifts for her twin sons who could not share anything, so they each got one for Christmas one year. Now they’re in college and told her to just sell their old toys.

Maybe feed Iggy on the floor!!!!

Finally! The typewriter ascii porn was getting out of hand!

Here is Gene Wilder with a Baby

Here are some Edited Baby-Jeans.

I came here for pictures of whale poop. So disappointed.

Tim Horton’s is conspicuously absent.