Joe Patroni

That pissed me off.    Par for the course,

Nope, because it looks like a penis.

“The Polish Hot Dog” was my nickname in high school.  

YouTube is a perfect example of this as well. Crap floats to the top and stays there because people can’t get enough of it. Logan Paul, Jake Paul, JoJo, to name a few. 

Jobs told him he wanted to, but he wants Apple to make a lot of money.

I’d rather a piece of Manhattan the size of an iceberg broke off New York.

I gave my 8year old son this shirt a while back. I always laugh when I see him wearing it.

Quit before you lose.  That’s what she did.

He looks so happy, in his Daisy Dukes.

Nice job, albeit still tragic with the death of that diver last week. It’s bittersweet but still a happy ending.

Does it have a window?   I would be terrified to get into that thing.

I try to be 2-deep on everything my team manages. But with turnover, etc, it’s becoming more difficult. I have a couple “Miguels” on my team.   But I try to have everyone trained on rebooting a system.  That’s easy.  

Aren’t pageants against what #MeToo stands for?

Every rescued child will receive a new Model 3.

$ Billions have poured into Haiti over the past 8 years, but where did the money go?   Some NGOs work hard to provide relief services, others only benefit themselves.   

If that were my relative, I’d figure out a way to pay the damn bill.

“This is something that’s unrecognized by physicians—people don’t really think about it. And that’s a problem,”

Zac doesn’t want your lifestyle, just your hair style.

Maybe stop watching it?

Such apathy.