It’s already too late for this generation of mouth breathers.
It’s already too late for this generation of mouth breathers.
Right, this person isn’t getting away, so why risk your life trying to stop them?
He’s back from the future, and has a warning for us all.
Hot take!
After a business trip, my body seems to know it’s home and time to poop.
A Jaeger is not an Avatar. It’s a giant humanoid mecha.
Parents need to take charge of their children’s educations. Don’t just rely on the public school system to do it. Parents need to help with things like tutoring, outside activities, even just sitting down with your child every night and reviewing their homework.
Better late than never I suppose. But he’s 85...
Those Jello Pudding Pop commercials were a definite red flag.
The Cosby Show had probably 100 different writers during it’s life, but yes Bill probably worked on most. Still, I find it hard to believe there were red flags that pointed to him drugging and raping women.
Supposedly a before and after.
So much hipster. In the top picture. It’s making me sick. And they’re pretending to read “Wild at Heart”. I’m going to die.
I want.
Is the 15 year timeline just to get people interested? Or is it real? That’s what I always wonder when I see these stories. If money were the limiting factor all along, seems like they would have solved it by now.
This could go either way (good or bad). I’ve never scene her in an action role.
I was expecting this:
President Obama and First Lady were always Warm, Charming, Classy, and very Presidential.
Geezus that was almost 50 years ago.