
First sentence of the article says the warning didnt come soon enough...

But what if the guy had a shitty interview? Am I supposed to hire you just because youre old and used to work for apple? Guy could have walked in with the mindstate of “I got this job already” which often backfires in interviews. To just say that its Ageism is pretty insulting. You're accusing people you've never met

Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

Sounds like a good enough reason to me.

A downward incline? You mean a decline? Not trying to be funny...

I agree. I just don't think we are on Mars.

Which way is up if the world Is round? Which way is up if the universe is infinite?

maybe its moving so slow that it appears to not be moving but yet still is...

so you can't actually go IN the house...bummer.

You know at some point you have to realize that you cannot dictate what someone is suppose to do with their own things. Question to the author...who hurt you? Lol

great point.


if you add a bit of water to the shreds it will become paste like and not be able to be placed back together.

Or just make an iPod Touch with a data plan. Problem solved.

Sir...he is using his residential account to run his business. He is wrong for that. That is why that same company offers a business class service. It would appear the customer gentleman is A) too cheap to purchase the correct package for his needs or B) spent so much time researching and complaining about FCC

He should get a business class account vs a residential account.

Are you speaking from experience? Have you been to these other "1st world" countries? How much did you pay and what, if any, was the cap?

You can use water in your yard. You should be able to water your plants etc. Should you be able to run a water park out of your backyard while paying residential rates? NO. i feel sorry for you if you dont see the difference.

what cables are the cable companies using? and what is the competition using? I ask because you made the statement as if you know specifically.