The Real Janelle

My favorite of anything in this genre is Tony Hawk. His whole twitter account seems to be dedicated to people semi-recognizing him, but not quite.

I was shocked to learn in this article that Ariana Grande is not Latina.

I kind of always assumed until recently that she was mixed, like Pete Wentz or Rashida Jones.

I think a lot of this is misplaced....I feel like it was really her record label’s fault. It was the late 90's.....everybody wanted their own Britney Spears, and Pink was tapped to be LaFace’s version. She went in and was told how to look, act, sound, and what to record, and when the time came, she got out and did her

“When I was nine years old, I assumed that Pink was a very light-skinned black woman.”

I remember being in high school and hearing “There You Go” and dismissing Pink as a wannabe rapper. (Even as a suburban white kid, something about her rang very hollow.)

Did you interview Pink for this article? I would really like an explanation from her on why she allowed her race to be so ambiguous, why she really refused to clarify it when asked, and why she used a terrible blaccent for so long.

Who in their right mind would compare any of her music to Portishead?

From 2002 people, 2002.

His father taught him not to regard children until they are old enough to learn the family griftness.

I think he sees Tiffany as Marla’s daughter and Barron as Melania’s son. The only children he seems to really regard as his own are the ones with Ivana.

So is that the one that eats trash, or the one that gets combative around reflections of themselves

I wasn’t judging (much) until I got here.

Tomsula should really use a better pseudonym.

Cold onions generate fewer fumes when they’re sliced.

Was this counselor also, perchance, your grandpa?

I had a camp counselor when I was 9, or 10, who used to bring a Vidalia onion with her lunch every single day. Would peel it and eat it like an apple. 

Perhaps my ultimate food hot take:

Why the fuck are you putting your onions in the crisper, Magary? WHY ARE YOU REFRIGERATING YOUR ONIONS?