
correct by not existing

Crying Tammy porn.

I want to sue every time some dumb mother fucker thanks god for winning something (like god gives a shit).

Tesla is the Apple of the automotive/power space (and actually has the ability to also reach large amounts of infrastructure spend).  There is no American car maker that can hope to generate the desire that Tesla inspies, *at scale*.

Kill the fat and/or tall.

Turned?  The US military has been for hire for a long ass time.

Sadly, your hope is totally misplaced.

It started and ended with Bernie participating in the election out of ego and spite.

That is the correct message.  Bernie is trash.

How’s Moscow today comrade Putin?

We can’t even get a normal estate tax (i.e. tax on free income) past the GOP.

They were fighting roughly stable seas by building up land.  They are likely fucked by climate change just as bad as Miami.

You haven’t been to Florida.

Putin would never let him in.  Will send him to fester in a place like Ecuador.

It’s not hate, it’s disgust.

Christianity == The Patriarchy

The idiots just move on to create even bigger non-problems with their stupidity.

Cars and guns...some people really really really don’t want to lose their “right” to use them.

Buying stock is inherently gambling.

It’s the GOP part of America.  The rest of us are fairly reasonable.