
No according to anyone that knows anything, once you have a sustainable global market share, prices stabilize and subsidies are reduced.  This is not “price gouging” which you can easily verify by looking up what that term means.

Exactly, any idiot should understand this.  You look at last month’s income from Uber and if it is too low, you will stop.  This isn’t even a topic up for debate.  The old school Uber drivers are pissed because their incomes have fallen due to new supply, but they were never promised a full time *job*.

They are not ignoring laws, the laws support their treatment of drivers as contractors.  Congress is free to pass a law banning contractors, but this would have wide ranging impacts on the economy.  It would make zero sense for Congress to alter the laws around contracting solely to hurt Lyft and Uber.

they are ride hailing platforms, WTF??? a cabbie can just dial in to them...the main issue is ride liquidity versus driver profit which may be intractable.  also, AV tech is decades from being viable, and when it hits, it will fully kill taxi companies, but even uber and lyft will have issues adapting.

Uber/Lyft are the napster of transportation, but I didn’t hear hipsters ripping napster apart because it was a parasite on the record labels.

They aren’t parasites even if you don’t like them.  And even if they were parasites, the taxi companies aren’t the host.

Any startup would die if investors stop investing.

Do you even know what parasitic means?

I don’t think the end of our environment takes a back seat to some less than perfect attempts to reduce the damage.  Also, much like the health care problems in the US, cap and trade problems were caused by republicans (who refused to consider more direct measures).

Colonizing Mars is the ultimate long con.

with hand jacks

In his view along with everyone else in the GOP, the South was on the right in the Civil War, and we should still have slaves.  Bunch of fucking evil lunatics.

As always, the problem is you have to have a brain to be against Trump.

Given that Uber and Lyft drivers are significantly more independent than most independent contractors, this bill should not even be considered unless it bans having independent contractors across the economy.

Given that Uber and Lyft drivers are significantly more independent than most independent contractors, this bill should not even be considered unless it bans having independent contractors across the economy.

People are also doing fine with Uber and Lyft having contractors.

whelp you really are a moron, so kudos for candor

No “leader” would ever support these bullshit devices.

You are a twisted sicko. These devices would be right at home in any fascist state, and have no place in America or anyplace else that wants to at least pretend to be free. 

The American revolution was driven by simple economics.