
I’d rather see the highway speed limit set to 80 state wide.

So much this.

Then you are part of the problem.  It’s that simple.

Then you are part of the problem.  It’s that simple.

Don’t forget the assholes that drive with their brights on all the time and their relatives who have replaced their normal bulbs with small pieces of the Sun.

Two different concepts...the asshole in the Yukon roaring up to the merge sign past dozens of cars is NOT doing it to enhance traffic flow (and it doesn’t have that effect).

And it’s variant, EVERY fucking person waiting to move until they have multiple car lengths in front of you get maybe 25 cars through a light that could have easily taken 100...and the inevitable idiot at the end that stops the second the light turns yellow, or the guy that doesn’t seem to fucking realize

And the variant, the guy on your right who got there first, but the guy on the left well after you, who sneaks through anyway.  Or the guy that decides to “just go” as you wait for a pedestrian.  

That’s fucking nuts.

Or the variant where there is a huge right lane and you could pull way up and turn right, but some asshole is halfway into the excess lane so you get to wait for the gridlock going straight to clear before you can make a right turn.

because (a) you are reframing progressive in an invalid way.  (b) bernie running last time 100% caused trump to win (c) bernie is an ineffictive blowhard, who (like the gop before their trump wet dream came true) could afford to spout impractical populist statements without fear of ever having to implement anything. 

when i read “repugnant centrist fucks” i realize how lost america’s so much worse than a the clueless evil shitheads that voted for trump

Not to mention the fact that the OP’s question is stupid, since the Dems will NOT nominate him. He has done nothing but criticize the Dems almost as much as the GOP for the last 3 decades.

They didn’t realize how fucking stupid it was to support bernie and just how fucking bad trump would turn out to be.

But of course you realize either way, if he runs there is a 100% certainty trump wins.  In fact the GOP could run ANY candidate and win.

Everyone needs to step back and look at the monsters in the GOP...the ENTIRE Democratic party IS the progressive wing of the fucking country. Anyone who supports splitting the party, or denigrates any Dem with experience in politics is either supremely clueless or is a russian troll.  CAN WE PLEASE NOT DO THIS

And literally, WTF even is a liberal neo-con, other than a label that is supposed to make you hate someone without thinking about why?

bernie is skeleton in the closet laden trash...he is also an insufferable ego-maniac...I HATE TRUMP MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE ALIVE...but I would still have a problem putting a line across the ballot to sanders

Cool.  Can’t wait for another 4 years of trump.

It’s like the anti-marijuana lobby.