
They deserve a beating, but will settle for a year or two in jail.

This is one of the limited times when legal handguns make sense.

Terminator 6: Extended Warranty

You are right, we should destroy the earth waiting for oil to run out, and then shell et al can shake us down once they own all the new infrastructure.

Actual family friendly and low carbon footprint work/live towers in urban centers.

You mean like “WE NEED A WALL”?

America will forever be the land of the grossly overpaid CEO!!!! FREEDOM!!!!

Everything you have said was pretty much wrong, and I am a centrist/capitalist leaning democrat.

Hubby drives a Versa?

Welcome to the police state, trump-style.

Almost all of it was fictional accounting loss. This is the meaningful amount:
Excluding the one-off accounting charge, JLR lost £273m before tax during the last quarter.”

The only “infrastructure” job trump will ever produce is building a useless wall so the rest of the world can continue to laugh at our dumb asses.

And worth at least a quarter of a tesla.

I don’t buy anything from the South, fuck those traitors.

It’s not ironic.  The GOP only supports business that have been major contributors (defense, insurance, tobacco, etc).  They could give a fuck about free competition or any “new” business.

The GOP enabled and encouraged offshoring and union-busting back when manufacturing actually took a lot of people. It is truly disgusting to see trump wag this dead dog by its tail.

A very small percentage of christians actually want anything like Charia.

Any law *based* on one group’s religious beliefs is not compatible with a modern society.

I disagree.

Trump was their enabler. He didn’t run as a GOP shill, he just acted like one the second he got elected. The GOP the cancer, he is just a symptom.