A very small percentage of christians actually want anything like Charia.
A very small percentage of christians actually want anything like Charia.
Any law *based* on one group’s religious beliefs is not compatible with a modern society.
I disagree.
Trump was their enabler. He didn’t run as a GOP shill, he just acted like one the second he got elected. The GOP the cancer, he is just a symptom.
When Trump is indicated, any of his judicial appointments should be immediately vacated. They are all tainted.
He is a fucking unmitigated egotistical asshole.
All political and economic structures are subject to abuse and if you had half a brain you would know that. But then again, you are sither being paid to spew shit or you are just fucking stupid.
I think he/it is a russian troll. They are trying to fracture the dems to keep the GOP in power.
Bullshit. Also, every time you falsely equivocate the parties, you are helping the GOP.
Those ideologies have no place in America!
Those who “heard something about the past, and that shit was totally inaccurate” see: MAGA.
He has never been to SF.
Of course dealers wouldn’t help at all. Pre-building inventory would help delivery times but that is an old dying model for higher end vehicles.
In the lee of a Trump victory, I don’t think soak the rich is helpful. A return to tax fairness and balancing the budget will be much more helpful in beating down the GOP. Also, the wealth tax is a VERY good idea...I would suggest expanding it down to $10m net worth (at a lower rate) and fully exempting from income…
There never should have been “Respect for the Office of the Presidency”. Our President should be regarded as our Nation’s top civil servant. A piss-ant dumbass like trump is a total waste of at least four years of what could have been real progress in America.
What doctor?
Or VaporCar
gently used tacos for sale
When they take the pic you get a tic. When you take the pic, they won’t do shit (maybe CHP but I doubt it). Max result is someone might tweet at him about safety.
How the fuck could you go to sleep knowing the system on its own is not safe? Nod off dreaming of your decapitated body under a semi?