
Might as well just right the whole wiki entry now...what about shut down almost halfway through their inaugural season?

So glad to hear you are against racism.  I take it this means you are not a rapepublican?

This is probably in other comments, but anyone that says “blackmail” is clearly guilty.  No public lawsuit could ever be blackmail for fuck’s sake!

Give us time.

Where is insurance mentioned?  And it should be trivial to bundle metromile.

I’d sign up for the DemonRat party...start eating the faces off the rapepublicans now...why wait for midterms?

No there is no classified tech that is meaningfully ahead of what we know about.

Pretty sure limp dick syndrome is tied to owning guns and voting GOP (hint it doesn’t stand for Glorious Oversized Penis, but most of its members are dicks).

This needs all the stars.

It’s a fast skateboard...change my mind.


DoorDash needs to get on this!

Creationism-light?  Those mother fuckers are teaching kids the earth is 6000 years old.

Because men need their substitute penises, but how dare they use a substitute pussy.

The same monsters that pronounce gif “jiff”.

So why do we continue with the fiction that we are one country?  This will never end as long as we (smart people) keep trying to foist intelligence on the proto-humans that support trump.  They won’t learn until they are cut off from the massive inflow of funds they receive from California and New York.  Liberals need

And you can be sure that especially in currently red states, vote manipulation will be widespread and sanctioned by the local GOP operatives.

Modern “Christianity” and “Gun Rights” are pure signalling for white power. As the white power movement becomes more and more threatened it gets more shrill and extremist. We need to stick to our guns (no pun intended) as liberals and double down on these assholes.

Found one LOL.  We already have our American Pol Pot.

But this is the core problem.  We lost the last election due not to the evil Trump voters but due to the “Giant Meteor” and Bernie crowd.   Younger voters/non-voters with no historical awareness chalk up every loss in the past to some sort of sham on both sides, when in reality we are locked in house-to-house combat