
America is just odd.  For example, we can’t buy contacts in drug stores like you can in Europe AND THERE IS NO REASON FOR THIS!

For any high end vehicle, the desire to fully configure a new car versus going to a lot is compelling. And actually, a lower end car with next day delivery from a central inventory site is compelling as well.

Make the whole car a solar panel and charge the battery while you drive.

The rapepublicans haven’t learned ANYTHING yet. They have won 100% of what they believe in (disempowering the working class, women and minorities, padding the bank accounts of the rich).

Never in the history of America has the party in power so openly taken a shit on the actual majority that did not elect them.

Or are they reacting to your body odor?  More science needed!

Given the fuckface that is, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.

Yeah I too hate it when women or coloreds ask for respect.   The Rapepublicans own America now, so fuck off if you aren’t a wealthy white male.

So she’s better than trump by about a billion percent?

He should have to register all his income and assets with the government for the rest of his life.

You humans are so egotistical...I can count the number of humble humans I’ve met on half my tentacles.

been calling it sequel than my sequel for 20 years-ish it’s not really “offensive” since S Q L is a pain in the ass to say

I don’t want to live on a planet where gif is pronounced jiff

This guy is probably one of the nicer people who ever owned one.

And what hell hole do you inhabit?

And yet the invisible hand holds things in a rough balance until we come along and fuck things up for no reason.

If you are for burning Trump at every turn, then you have to be on-board for the dickmockery.

Even without debating some of your very questionable arguments, she is so much better in every way than trump.

Let’s say millimetering our way so we don’t have to deal with fractions.

Are you sure it’s not a Ford Escape?