Probably technology.
Probably technology.
Dick Cream and a Blackberry Curve were the only giveaways, everything else could and probably has come straight from our president’s mouth or teeny fingers.
why can’t they troll even a tiny bit better?
Your point applies to all sex. You could have sex with a consenting adult who only consents because of drugs, prior sexual abuse or a mental illness. Should we do a careful background check and mental evaluation of all potential sexual partners?
Seems like he is inhaling something much more brain melting than farts.
And this is driven off of the routine selling of themselves that many women (and many men) still do when they get married to someone who they would otherwise have nothing to do with because of money or social status.
To enlighten sex workers? Are they the ones that need enlightenment?
You see sex (full stop) as an addiction? Do you also see food and air as addictions?
We shouldn’t spare any of the equally evil fucktwits who voted for Sanders/Stein etc. They are 100% as responsible for Trump as any Infowars subscriber.
There are NO reasonable Republicans. This is the only takeaway of the past 18 months. These spineless fucktards have sold their souls for whatever version of racist America they ascribe to.
fucking voldemort piece of shit
Sex is only supposed to be fun for the man.
no the joke is that you would pay over $100k for a toyota
One observation, case law like Row v Wade has made deeply conservative states passable places to live for progressive people. I think you will see a de facto breakup of the US post this loser’s appointment, with states like California and New York very strongly supporting reproductive rights, and intelligent people…
Which as pointed out repeatedly, is not based on accurate population measures, so your point is not valid (and it’s not valid anyway, but that’s a deeper discussion).
The same GOP elites that caused the collapse of US labor unions and the offshoring of US manufacturing base.
Nope, you aren’t doing the math right. Republicans know their brainwashed base could be 100% against any *single* decision made by the GOP in Congress, but they also know that 90%+ Republican voters will never vote Democrat, so essentially the opinion of any Republican voter is irrelevant (short of a “I am going to…
Cali and New York have never shouted. We have been gentle giants, and we should be taking off the gloves and swinging as hard as we can right now.
If that portion had any intelligence or common sense, I would agree.
And what amazing music titillates your ears, pray tell?