
a career of hurting people and being corrupt?  yep, glad that career is wrecked (hint, it’s not...the corrupt GOP takes care of all its evil minions)

So full Murray?

OK I’ll bite...why are flossers worse than floss.  I have been using them exclusively for years and my dentist always gives me good feedback.

The fact that porn is your example is truly strange.

Funny...I can’t buy fucking sudafed without being anal probed, and meanwhile a bunch of MD drug dealers killed thousands for years before they were “busted. And I doubt many the doctors will get what they deserve (long jail times and disgorgement of income from their drug trade).

Kid” is too generic a term...

Oh it was never free.

But as currently constituted there are only two types of person in the GOP, racist, sexist assholes, and the people that don’t push those assholes out of the party (i.e. that are just as bad, or worse).

There are almost no socialists in America or in the Democratic party.  Socialism is state ownership of significant means of production.  The misuse of this term makes me crazy.

Extremism is not “always” bad. E.g., we should be extremists when we attack racism and misogyny. 

Exactly, conservatives believe if you don’t like something you just ban it. The reality is much more nuanced (and much much more efficient).

I just don’t think you are using that term “centrist” properly.  I am very sure I am a centrist which means I 100% support the Democratic party, as the GOP has moved as far to the right as any political party in the Western world over the last 50 years.

So in every case we should be looking at problems, identifying a broad set of potential solutions, determine which solutions are the most feasible and feel the most “just/right” and then testing those solutions against our fundamental rules, recognizing that where a just and efficient solution appears to violate a

You are grossly misstating the issue. Liberals are MUCH more “rule of law” than conservatives.  Conservatives by definition want a return to the “old” ways of doing things, which relied much more on illegal use of force and beating down dissent.  Looks at labor pre-union, women’s rights, minority rights, anything

Actually most “liberals” understand the military is a social program.  What they hate is that the majority of the spend in the military goes straight to defense contractors, and that money then goes to rich shareholders and corporate executives.

This is very very bad news for Democrats.  Bernie cost us the election and brought us President Fuckface.  We need the most senior and centrist Democrats to counter the pure evil that is the GOP.

It’s Aperol. Other than that I enjoyed the rant.

The two classes of housing aren’t related at all...if anything, the fewer homeless you have, the higher the property values. Also, trickle taxes (cab tax, hotel tax, etc) are bullshit. Collect income, property and sales taxes and use them constructively.

Not true at all...the “no more taxes” movement was made up of selfish assholes (and racists) who assumed “they” were funding “them”. There was no intelligence at all in their motivation.

Rodman is a traitor. I also don’t like that he interacts with Kim Jong Un.