
I don’t know about “pretty” as if that mattered...but we do know she was batshit crazy.

It’s political because it’s crazy we allow crazies to buy guns.

Call it CrazyTube

She was a whole lot of crazy in her videos. A time bomb.


You are just not making any sense...consider trolling someplace where people are stupid enough for you to convince them of anything.

Nope sorry, but Reagan during his term as California’s Governor made it almost impossible for the State to keep someone institutionalized, even if they were abjectly mentally ill, as this woman clearly was. The right hates mentally health as much as it hates gun control.

Sorry but most Americans don’t really care or are opposed...and when i say most I mean more than 50%.

Amazon should hire, say, a hundred of the best attorneys in the country and sue the living fuck out of trump...shut that fucker down.

That’s no secret. They are a power technology company, not a “Car Company.” I would anticipate they split the car company off at some point and spin it out to investors. Focus on owning the global market for consumer and business deployed solar and battery storage.

Shit GM lost a shit ton of money decades after they were a market leader.

I mean essentially the only way for any company to establish itself is in a “risky” way....that’s kinda the point of the capital markets...

forgot emails and FISA!!!

Sanctuary cities? Trump is ready to roll tanks into SF...mind numbing murders of african americans across the country, Trump does nothing and says nothing...WHAT A JOKE OF A PRESIDENT

grille-less teslas are ugly af

Don’t worry, about five seconds after you are required to disclose, you will be required to be DNA screened to get covered.

So essentially punish Facebook more than any other corporation has ever been punished for anything? Wow, I don’t give a fuck about Facebook but your perspective is totally skewed.

She’s a stupid hack who doesn’t deserve minimum wage working a fry station at McDonalds. She should be thanking her lucky stars every time she gets to pretend to be a person that matters.

Fuck, Marry, Fuck one more time for kid, Divorce